As a result of the sale of Laheotsa Talu to Riitsinus, Estonia’s largest producer and processor of vegetables was formed
Illar Kaasik acted as a sell-side advisor to the founder of Laheotsa Talu. The deal was closed in 2008.
OÜ Laheotsa owns over 1,000 ha of land and is one of the largest companies in the area. Production takes place in Padise municipality in the immediate vicinity of Padise monastery. The main assortment consists of potato, carrot, beet, swede and onion. The entire produce is washed, peeled, boiled, chopped and packed in the company's plants. The majority of the produce is sold in Estonia, a small amount is also sold abroad. Laheotsa sells its produce under trademarks Laheotsa and Viller. The products are marked with the Grown in Estonia label to indicate their Estonian origin.

Illar Kaasik: Business consolidation gives a great opportunity for the company to grow.
According to the new CEO of Laheotsa Talu, the only opportunities for expansion in vegetables business are buying land or taking over existing businesses. Through the process of consolidation, companies are able to lower overhead and production costs, create additional revenue streams and achieve economies of scale.